“The mission of Sisterhood is to bring women together, to support and benefit of one another, Congregation Shalom Bayit, and the larger community, providing opportunities for friendship, service, spiritual growth, and learning.”The JCCO Sisterhood/N’Shay Dorot – “women of the generations” — is open to all women interested in creating friendship and camaraderie within the Jewish community! Formally established in June of 2009, the Sisterhood has since created our shul’s Gift Shop, an annual ladies’ retreat, and assisted in organizing the community Pesach Seders, Rosh Hashanah luncheons, and the adult “Purim FUNraiser.”

Ladies of all ages have gathered together for hikes, snow shoeing, and canoeing, as well just eating lunch together! Sisterhood honors each B’nai Mitvot and joins each year the Pacific Northwest’s Jewish Women’s Round Table in celebrating the outstanding contribution and service to the Jewish community of one of their own with the Song of Miriam Award.
While the Sisterhood’s projects and fundraising support our shul, it is the Sisterhood’s primary goal and continued aim to strengthen the bond and understanding, friendship and camaraderie between the women of our community who have always been the heart of a Jewish life. To find out about upcoming Sisterhood events, please contact us.