General Meeting of the Membership and Community Meeting:
The annual general meeting of the Membership will be on June 30th, 2019 at Shalom Bayit.
We’ll meet at 9 am for Bagels, coffee and schmoozing and our meeting will being at 9:30 sharp.
We will be voting on the slate for Board Members for the 2019-2020 year:
President – Dr. Ron Schutz
Vice President – Alice Huskey
Secretary – Delia Kirsch
Treasurer – Mark Katzman
At Large – Lester Friedman and Ellyce Whalen
Membership Chairperson and At-Large- Cynde Magidson
We will also discuss our proposed budget for the coming year and talk about our plans for High Holidays with Rabbi Yossi Feintuch and the arrival of the Feintuchs in January 2020! We also will discuss our plans to celebrate the Shupacks and what we hope to do to honor them in September before we lovingly part ways.
This will also be an opportunity to have a community discussion about several questions that face us as we move toward our future. If you won’t be able to attend the meeting or prefer to offer your thoughts in written form, please fill out the attached questionnaire and submit it to Alice Huskey at ahuskey46. These comments will be shared with the community unless you indicate that you want your comments to be kept confidential.
Our meeting will end at 11:30—Please start thinking about what you want to see, share and do as we enter this exciting transitional phase of our history as the oldest Jewish Community in Central Oregon!
High Holidays Update:
We are so grateful and happy to share that Rabbi Yossi Feintuch will be officiating our High Holiday services this September and October!
Services will include Erev Rosh Hashanah on Sunday, September 29 and Rosh Hashanah on Monday, September 30th from 10 – 1 and Tashlich later that day.
Kol Nidre will be on Wednesday, October 9th and Yom Kippur on Thursday, October 10th.
More details to follow, but Rabbi Yossi has many parts to be filled for community participation and honors to assign. If you are planning to be at one or more of these services, please let Alice Huskey know if you are willing to be assigned an honor or reading in English or take on preparing a Torah reading—she will be help coordinate the “Parts Department” in honor of her mentor, Monroe Weinberg. Ahuskey46 or 541-815-4912
Celebrating Jay and Judy:
The gathering on Saturday is an informal Open House to love on the Shupacks before they leave for the summer. We will be planning an official, formal gathering to honor the Shupacks in September. More to come….
General Meeting Questionnaire
1. What do we want to have as options this summer? (Jay and Judy will be gone until Sept. and their last official day is Sept. 26th—do we want to have any types of gatherings this summer?)
2. What do we want to do during the gap between the end of Yom Kippur and Jan 1? (How do we want to celebrate Sukkot, Simchat Torah, Hanukkah and Shabbat)
3. What we do to support the transition? (What are we going to do to honor Jay and Judy? What are we going to do to welcome Yossi and Judy?)
4. What I can do to help with the transition efforts– (ie: help with housing options, planning events, take on a job that was being done by Jay and/or Judy as we transition to a new way of working together, etc… what are you gifts to this community?)
5. What do you hope to see more/less of as we move forward? (And … What will you do to make this happen?)