10/11/19 Sukkah Building 9 am
10/13/19 Celebrating Jay and Judy Shupack in our Sukkah! Potluck and presentation of gifts and love—12 pm
10/19/19 Havdallah Potluck in the Sukkah- 5:30 pm
10/20/19 Library Painting Work Party – 10-1pm.
10/24/19 QPR Training – Suicide Prevention Training available through INCO in conjunction with St Charles. 7 pm at 2555 NW Shevlin Park Rd. Contact Brad Brown to reserve your spot. bradb@asibend.com
11/21/19 Community Thanksgiving Celebration hosted by Interfaith Network of Central Oregon (INCO) – 6-8 pm Community Presbyterian Church, 529 NW 19th Street, Redmond.
12/28/19 Havdallah and Hanukkah! 6 pm at Shalom Bayit. Bring a dish to share and enjoy latkes, light and love with the community!
1/12/2020 Welcome the Feintuchs to Central Oregon! Gathering to welcome Rabbi Yossi and Judy Feintuch to Central Oregon—More info to follow. If you are interested in helping plan this event, contact Alice at ahuskey46@gmail.com
Gud Yontif!
I’d like to extend a warm welcome to the Feintuchs—thank you for leading us through the High Holy days so beautifully– and to all of the guests and out-of-town visitors we have hosted this holiday season. Whether you are old friends, new to the area or are travelers who chose to spend the holidays with us, thank you for making our celebration that much richer. I would also like to take a moment to thank everyone who has made the JCCO possible—from the early pioneers who first brought us all together, to the visionaries and donors who helped us create a permanent place to worship that is our own, to our newest member—my gratitude is overflowing. Also, we are so blessed with amazing members who come in early, stay late, roll up their sleeves and pitch in and give their time to make sure that our space is kept beautiful and that the things we need are here, available and ready. To those people, I’d like to say a very special thank you from the bottom of my heart!
On September 21st, Shalom Bayit was host to the Interfaith Network of Central Oregon’s Peace Service. The message was delivered by Lutheran reverend, Erika Spaet. She inspired me with her message of “withness”. There has never been, in my lifetime, a more urgent need for like-minded people to unite and show how our with-ness makes us stronger, safer and allows us to have more joy. She also shared with us the wisdom of the midwife, who’s first messages is always “breathe”. We are entering a new year and with it comes lots of change—a new affiliation, a new Rabbi and a new energy! Change is sometimes challenging, usually creates anxiety and definitely opens the door to possibilities! As we enter this 5780 and this new chapter at Shalom Bayit, I want to encourage us to breathe through the changes that unsettle us, and breathe in the spirit of growth and possibility. The midwife also reminds us the need to push—at the right time and with the right amount of energy. I invite the community to push—gently but consistently—toward new opportunities, to push for more connection with one another and to push the JCCO to be more inclusive, connected and healthy as we birth the next chapter of Shalom Bayit.
With love and with you,
Hello My Sukkah Angels!
As you know I have been out of town for most of the past year. I am in Central Oregon at the moment packing up my home, but I will not be here for Sukkot this year.
In my absence Kit Hall has volunteered to lead my “Angels” in assembling the Sukkah.
Kit’s plan is to do it on Friday, Oct 11th, at 9:00AM.
This year will be special because it will be R’ Jay’s last year to enjoy Sukkot with us and I hope that some special events will take place.
I very much hope that you are able to assist in putting the Sukkah up.
btw: If you have physical limitations please do join us anyway as there is lots to do that is not strenuous.
Love and thank you,
Hey, Teens! Looking for an interactive, Jewish community just for teens in grades 8 to 12? You are in the right spot! Shalom Teva is the local chapter of BBYO, an international organization committed to giving Jewish teens more Jewish experiences. BBYO members include tens of thousands of Jewish teens across the world who gather for regional, national, and international events. Here in Bend, Shalom Teva hosts events that allow teens to grow as leaders and meet new friends. BBYO is an amazing opportunity, and Shalom Teva is your door to an unforgettable membership in a high school fraternity and sorority, don’t miss it! Mark your calendars for December 8th, and join Shalom Teva to explore what BBYO is all about. More details about the event are on the way, but in the meantime, if you have any questions contact Fisher Isenberg at fisherisenberg@gmail.com.
We are already working to convert the classroom at the end of the hall into our new dedicated Library and Rabbi’s Study. How can you help? Join the painting party on 10/20/19 from 10-1 and help us prepare a space for our Adult and Teen collections along with a comfortable space for Rabbi Yossi to work and meet with community members. We are also accepting donations that are specific to our Library effort and creation of a study for Rabbi Yossi.
President: Ron Schutz president@jccobend.com
Vice President: Alice Huskey ahuskey46@gmail.com
Treasurer: Vacant
Secretary: Delia Kirsch delkirs@gmail.com
Membership: Cynde & Steve Magidson membership@jccobend.com
Past President: Ben Lindner americanrancher@gmail.com
Members at Large: Lester Friedman lfriedman@coldwellbanker.com, Judy Arbetter stillpnt@mac.com
Education Committee Chair: vacant