Shuva T’Kumah Commemoration on Sunday at 4 pm
Torah Study, Pirkey Avot and Havdallah, and our Commemoration of Shuvah T’Kumah* Looking forward to seeing you at one or all of these! ~ Alice *Rabbi Yossi has devoted a great deal of care, time an attention to our recognition and rememberance of these 3 powerful "Yoms". tORah now Avinu Malkenu — Our Creator, our Sovereign — let grow for us, Your children everywhere, the tree of imminent yeshu’ah-redemption Especially NOW we need to increase our learning of Torah; or in the words of Moshe: "God, pray, heal, her, pray." Click the link below to see the blog: Yossi Feintuch: Trom Yom Ha-shoah to Yom Ha’Atzmaut – ייצור ידע ( Please feel free to forward this commentary to anyone you know who might be interested in reading it, or even send me a request to be added to this list. And, kindly let me know if you wish to unsubscribe from tORah now (OR stands for both "Light" in Hebrew and "Oregon”). Also, if you wish to further converse with me on these words or other parts of this weekly Torah portion, please do so by replying privately to me — Todah rabbiyossi
Congregation Shalom Bayit, in conjunction with Chabad of Central Oregon, Temple Beth Tikvah in Bend and The Havurah, invites everyone to join together and observe jointly the ”Week of T’kumah” (Revival). The Zoom event will be held at 4 pm PST on Sunday, April 11th and will commemorate the Shoah (Holocaust), the recalling of heroism and grief during Israel’s wars (Yom HaZikaron), and culminate with celebrating the joy over the miracle of Jewish independence in the land of Israel (Yom Ha’atzmaut). Short documentaries, music, and prose readings will comprise the bulk of the event (75-90 min). Time: Apr 11, 2021 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Torah Study, Parsha Sh’mini Time: 11 am, PST Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 876 3233 5610
Join us for discussion on the teachings and wisdom of our Forefathers/mother and stay to share the warmth and joy of Havdallah with Rabbi Yossi and the community. Saturday, April 10th at 7:30 pm PST |