On Saturday, March 27th, our congregation hosted a “First Night of Passover” seder on Zoom. The team put together a very creative, educational, and enjoyable seder that was quite different from a “traditional” in-person seder. We had a wonderful turnout including many visitors from outside of our area. That was great to see. Then, on Sunday, April 11th, Congregation Shalom Bayit, in collaboration with Temple Beth Tikvah, Chabad of Bend, and Havurah hosted a community event celebrating Yom Ha-Shoah (Holocaust Remembrance), Yom Ha-Zikaron (Israeli National Remembrance Day), and Yom Ha-Atzmaut (Israel Independence Day). Rabbi Yossi, and his team, worked tirelessly to create a moving, powerful, collaborative event that was very well-received by almost 40 “Zoom screens” from all over. All three congregational Rabbi’s either spoke or appeared via video, and we had speakers from the various congregations in what was truly a “community event”. If you were unable to attend this event on April 11th, know that it was recorded and Alice is providing a link to view the event in its entirely. It is very well worth your time to watch, and I’ve received numerous positive comments about it. It absolutely was a “win-win” for everyone. While more folks are getting their Covid vaccinations (now everyone over the age of 16 in Oregon can receive their vaccinations), unfortunately the number of reported cases is also going up creating a bit of confusion about the timeframe for CSB to start resuming in-person services and events. Know that the Board is continually looking at this, but we know that we can only start “reopening” when it is safe, practical and prudent. I want to see us resuming in-person activities as much as you all do, and we will do so when it is safe, practical, and prudent. Stay tuned for more on this front as things progress. And, finally, as I’ve said before, it is a pleasure and a privilege to serve as your president – thank you one and all. ~Steve Magidson
Thank you all and stay safe – Cynde Magidson, Membership SOSO UPDATE!! Back in February 2020, the Board offered to support and publicize a GoFundMe effort to help a community member, Aliza Rubin, raise funds to get a diabetic service dog– an expensive endeavor due to the amount of training required. The project was well supported by many of our wonderful members and in March of 2020, Aliza hosted a bake sale during Purim and raised and additional $350 toward the costs associated with the year of training required for Soso to be a fully trained Diabetic Alert Support Animal. Well, Soso is now here in Bend, living with and continuing her training with Aliza! She is such a wonderful dog and has already demonstrated her skills in alerting Aliza to high blood sugar episodes so that Aliza can manage her levels. We want to thank everyone for their support and hope that you’ll get the chance to meet Soso in person at one of our outdoor events this summer!
Who would like to help organize our Backyard Picnic and BBQ? Or, are you more of a Brunch Bunch kind of person? If you are willing to come early and help set up, spruce up, help organize activities that we could enjoy at these gatherings, please reach out to Alice at secretary to see how you can pitch in and get involved!
It is also a custom during Shavuot to plant greens or flowers at the shul– Here are some organizations to consider: JCCO Building and Maintenance Restricted Fund: www.paypal.com JNF Tree Center: usa.jnf.org The Nature Conservancy in Oregon: www.nature.org Oregon Natural Desert Association: onda.org The Environmental Center: envirocenter.org
We Will Remember: An IndictmentBy Trisha Arlin For the sins against One-ness, Prepare yourself to be weighed and found wanting. You reveled in how you broke our connection to the Whole, You are appalling! You attacked our hearts and You used our fear against us. These are sins against God, The ones that break true connection, And it is known who and what you are. Alas, our anger, Is fierce And deserved. You were willfully foolish. You were cruel and used hate as a tool. In your greed and stupidity, You ignored the degradation of our planet And the answers of science And look where it has led us! Species and forests disappear. Old people and the poor are sacrificed. Essential workers, disproportionately People of Color, Are used and discarded And die in disproportionate numbers. Racism is celebrated, Misogyny extolled. Sexual and gender diversity denied. Where is normal human empathy? We grieve for the sick and the dead, We grieve for the murdered and the neglected, We grieve for all we have lost and will lose. We remember Those who died by virus And those who died by police, Those who died by gas And those who died by suffocation, Those who died by infection And those who died from neglect. We remember Those who were shot in trenches And those who died alone in the ICU, Those who died by starvation And those who were shot in the back, Those who died with a knee on their neck And those who died hanging from a tree. And because we remember We resist our privilege if we have it; We resist racism when we see it; We resist cruelty and stupidity when they beckon; We resist lethargy and despair when it calls us. We will remember you. We remember and you will not be allowed to flourish. We remember and promise to change Ourselves and the world, Honoring compassion and empathy; Honoring the rule of law; Honoring truth. Amen Join us at a Board of Director’s Meeting Each month we meet to discuss issues important to our community and you are invited to join us with your voice, your ideas and your energy! Here is the Reflection for the May 18th Board Meeting via Zoom offered by Rabbi Berman of Bethesda, Maryland:
Reconstructing Judaism Strategic Plan for 2021 – 2026 The 2021 Spring Plenum of the Reconstructing Judaism Communities was held on April 25th, 2021 and we are soooo lucky to have become connected to such a vibrant and inclusive movement! The tag line– Deeply Rooted, Boldly Relevant — are not just words. The Reconstructionist Movement is deeply connected to our traditions and our history as a people. During the Plenum, I heard the term, ‘the past has a vote, not a veto’, which helped me understand how the boldly relevant concept applies. We will share with the community the full strategic plan, if you are interested and we’ll post the executive summary once it is finalized and released following the live gathering on the 25th. The exciting new addition to their goals is the addition of the concept of Co-Created |