Sometimes I get so wrapped up in the details of the various projects and issues that the Board is addressing that I forget to step back and recognize the incredible amount of work that your Board as well as our cadre of volunteers do or the amount of time it takes to do it. So, I would like to take a moment to call out some of the members of our Board and our volunteers and thank them for all of the time and effort they put in to make JCCO/CSB the best it can be. Our outstanding Board of Directors: · Judi Arbetter – Policies & Procedures, Treasurer Nominating Committee, Rabbi search · Liz Eiting – Finance Committee, Treasurer Nominating Committee · Alice Shapiro – Newsletters, Calendar, Grants, Events, Bat/Bat Miztvah liaison, Liturgy, Rabbi search, and a lot more · Ron Schutz – Past-president, liaison to Reconstructing Judaism, Treasurer Nominating Committee, Rabbi search · Cynde Magidson – Membership, Member Directory, Yahrzeit notices, Treasurer Nominating Committee · Delia Kirsch – Past secretary, Policies & Procedures · Lester Friedman – Past president, Policies & Procedures, Facilities · Rachel Lemas – Policies & Procedures, By-laws And just a portion of our amazing volunteer cadre: · Jim & Clystie Gustafson – Shul custodial duties, loving care of our property · Pat Givens – JCCO Library · Steven Foster-Wexler – Former treasurer, Rakefet support, web/email support · Kit & Naomi Hall – Torah Study, Chevrah Kaddisha, Sukkah/Menorah set-up, JCCO Library, Ha’Etz Hanadiv mounting · Anouk Tapper – Web manager · Carol Palmer – 2010, Torah study, Torah study scheduling · Shari Adams – 2013, Music at events, gift shop volunteer · Doria Raetz – Affiliation Committee, service reader, Rabbi search · Paul Wilder – Hessed committee, newbie contact, Policies & Procedures · Mark Katzman – Torah Study, Policies & Procedures, Rabbi search · David & Gabe Shapiro – Live music and song at services, past Board · Ed Neustetter – Religious School Steering Committee Thanks to each of you for all that you do. However, with all of the plans and projects that the Board is considering, we most definitely need more volunteers – the lifeblood of our congregation. So, PLEASE consider how you might be of assistance to JCCO/CSB as a volunteer. You don’t have to commit to a lot of time – whatever you can do will be greatly appreciated. We have some wonderful plans, but we need some wonderful volunteers to help bring them to fruition. ~Steve Magidson
Just a reminder that on Monday, March 1, the age restriction on COVID-19 Vaccination appointments drops to 65! You can check this site daily– we recommend checking multiple times a day, to see if appointments are available! You might check at 7 am and by 8 am there are appointments available! And, let us know if you need a ride to the Fairgrounds in Redmond to get your vaccination — several of us have been vaccinated already and would be happy to help you get to the venue. (secretary)
Treasurer Needed! Dynamic and exciting growth is happening within our community! During the past year, we have welcomed Rabbi Yossi as our new Rabbi and spiritual leader. We have affiliated with Reconstructing Judaism and continue to be enriched by the many resources and learning opportunities provided by the national and regional leadership of RJ. Our Board of Directors has reached a new level of professionalism and talent, bringing ever stronger vision and leadership to our community. Our membership is growing! Whew, and we have accomplished all of these exciting changes despite COVID. There is an opportunity for you to be an integral contributor to this dynamism. In July, I will be ending my service as Treasurer and we are in need of a community member to assume my role. I am very pleased with what I have been able to accomplish during my tenure in that the state of our financial affairs is solid, well organized and efficient. We have migrated our accounting to the Quickbooks software platform and have outsourced all bookkeeping to an outside, local firm. The person who assumes the Treasurer role will not be responsible for any of the daily bookkeeping functions. He or she will merely have oversight and reporting responsibilities. By volunteering to fill the role of Treasurer, you will be contributing an extremely vital and meaningful role for the community. You will have the capacity to influence the future vision of JCCO for you, for your family, and for your community. You will have the privilege to join an engaged, talented Board that will challenge you and enrich your community experience. And what Jewish Mother wouldn’t burst with pride to have her child serve as Treasurer of their Shul! My Mother is proud and she’s Catholic! If you are motivated to take on the role of Treasurer, I commit to work diligently with you to get you up to speed and to ensure that you are totally prepared to assume the job. And I will be available moving forward to assist in whatever ways I am needed. I ask you to consider taking on the role of Treasurer. Your heightened level of engagement with your Jewish community will enrich your life in ways you have yet to envision! Please give me a call at 503/680-5566 or email me at lizeiting and let’s discuss. Shalom, Liz Eiting
As I noted last month, the second edition of the JCCO/CSB Member Directory is up on the web – www.JCCOBend.com. I am repeating this information again this month as I’ve only heard from a few of you about getting it so perhaps the info was lost in the end of the year holidays… Click on “DIRECTORY” on the top right of the screen. This file is password-protected. If you agree to the Terms of Use, listed below, please send an email to me at Membership and I’ll email the password to you. At Shari Adams’ suggestion, we have reduced the white space so more names are on the page (fewer pages to print) and, more interestingly, for those of you not printing it, we have added links in the list of members to their Information page. Just click on a name in the list and it will jump to that entry. If you are using Adobe Acrobat Reader to read PDF files, then a RIGHT mouse click, followed by "V" (Previous View) will get you back to the List of members. Unfortunately, if you are reading PDF files in a Browser or some other way, you are likely going to have to scroll back to the beginning. I know that Microsoft Edge does not have a "back" link. Perhaps other PDF readers do. You will need to open this file with the password. I suggest you save the file. Just viewing it in the browser may not activate the links to the member page, depending on your Browser. So just do a download and save it. I suggest you check your own entry to ensure it is correct. If there are additions/corrections, let me know and we can get them updated in the next rev. We don’t want to bug our web master too often with updates. TERMS OF USE for the JCCO Congregation Shalom Bayit Member Directory This directory is for the personal use of JCCO/CSB members only and may not be used for solicitations or shared with any third party without the consent of the Congregation Shalom Bayit Board. We appreciate your cooperation. Thank you for your membership — we need you all. – Cynde Magidson
This is a good time to pick up a Siddur for virtual services AND a Haggadah for our upcoming Virtual Passover Seder on March 27 at 6 pm. And speaking of Passover… Fun and Helpful Links to Check Out for PassoverPassover Seder Song Parodies–you’ll love them! Backgrounds for Zoom to use at your virtual Seder. Getting Kids Involved at Passover with PJ Library Passover During Social Distancing- Jewish Federation Virtual Passover Box – Reconstructing Judaism Passover Playlist from Spotify Passover Playlist from YouTube Make your own Haggadot
5 Week Yiddish Course – Tuesdays at 7pm Learn the Mameh Lashon (Yiddish), the language of our grandparents and great-grandparents. A 30 minute weekly (for 5 weeks) beginners course to the Yiddish language. Class instructor: Rabbi Yitzchok Feldman To register please email rabbi. Zoom info will be emailed upon registration.
Thank you Steven Foster-Wexler; your years of service and commitment to CSB have been invaluable! Thank you to Judi Arbetter for heading up our Policies and Procedures Committee– no small task! And thank you to all the Members of Shalom Bayit! We Love You!
Rabbi Yossi’s tORah now inspires others… see how his recent writing on T’rumah was celebrated by Dr. Pinchas Yehezkeli on his website Knowledge production
An Invitation to Weekly Virtual Havdallah with Chabad of Central Oregon As the Shabbat Queen departs and darkness descends, the Join us for a short ceremony as we wish Shabbat farewell with prayers for the week ahead. Saturday Evenings Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 854 8821 8564
Learn to make Charoset, Mina with Ground Beef, Cardamon and Coffee, and another dish being announced soon with Michael Solomonov, Executive Chef and Co-owner of Zahav, the 2019 James Beard Foundation award winner for Outstanding Restaurant. He will dazzle in this virtual cooking event. From the desert to dessert! Cook along with chef Jake Cohen as he brings together matzo and tiramisu for a decadent Passover treat – Tiramatzu.Wednesday, March 24th at 6:30 pm pst In recent years, matzo has undergone a makeover as the people who churn it out – by hand or machine – and the people who eat it have come up with new recipes and flavors for the unleavened flatbread with a big place at the Seder table – but a bad rep in the taste department. One of our favorite fresh takes on this holiday staple comes in the form of Tiramatzu – a decadent combination of matzo and tiramisu – compliments of chef Jake Cohen. Jake is a bright new star in the food world – most recently the editorial and test kitchen director of social media juggernaut the FeedFeed, and author of JEW-ISH: A COOKBOOK: Reinvented Recipes from a Modern Mensch. Grab your Manischewitz and join Jake for a special demo and conversation as he takes us on a culinary journey through his fun and fanciful recipe for Tiramatzu and dishes up other Passover tips.
An interactive Passover program with an unbelievable line up of the very top artists in Jewish kids music including Nefesh Mountain, Rabbi Josh Warshawsky, Eliana Light, Shira Kline, Ellen Allard, Rick Recht, Joanie Leeds, and Elana Jagoda! During this highly-interactive seder experience, we’ll sing traditional and contemporary songs, tell the Passover story, and explore the foods on the seder plate, the blessings, the questions, and the highlights of the Exodus – from slavery to freedom.
President: Steve Magidson president Vice President: Judith Arbetter vice-president Treasurer: Liz Eiting treasurer Secretary: Alice Shapiro secretary Past President: Ron Schutz rschutzmd Membership: Cynde Magidson membership At-Large: Lester Friedman lfriedman At-Large: Rachel Lemas info At-Large: Delia Kirsch delkirs CONGREGATION SHALOM BAYIT/JCCO BEND |