But first…… Tonight!– Continuous Jewish Education with Rabbi Yossi Thursday, February 25th at 6 pm Pacific Time "Political teachings and other insights of the Book of Esther": A Purim Teaching Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 859 4413 5003 Dial by your location
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 876 3233 5610
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 838 9142 0588 Dial by your location Please note that next month we will meet at 7 pm pst to accomodate the blessing of longer days and more light!
There will be prizes for everyone– wine for the adults to take home (individual glasses of Copa di Vino, an Oregon-based wine compay) –Hamantashen from Chabad, Booths hosted by The Community Religious School and Temple Beth Tikvah, Games for Kids and the young at heart and a chance to celebrate with the entire community, physically distanced and MASKED, of course, but together nevertheless! Purim Links to Recipes, Videos and the Megillah Purim 101 Purim Story by the Kindergarteners from PJ Library Jerusalem Line Dance Challenge, because what is Purim without Dancing! Virtual Purim Box from Reconstructing Judaism Zoom Golly Golly Purim Schpiel – Purim is a silly time, and in this spirit, here’s a silly purimspiel from Temple Shomer Emunim in Ohio. Starring the likes of Elijah and Gabriel Smith (Alice Shapiro’s cousins) and Cantor Jennifer Roher (their mom), who directed it. Ghostwritten by Ryan Smith, Features Editor at The Columbus Dispatch and former Managing Editor of the Jewish Journal, Alice’s cousin. Enjoy “Zoom Golly Golly: The Purimspiel”! Gluten-Free Hamantashen Recipe