![]() Jewish Community of Central Oregon
Join us for the public reading of the Torah– Via Zoom! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86481179328?pwd=Lzd5cEFIQVd4d1dUN0JrVldmVFdVZz09 Meeting ID: 864 8117 9328 Passcode: 571365 Hello and Shabbat Shalom! We have some live events on the horizon– more to come with specific details, but check out the updated calendar of events. There are a few changes…. AND, Congratulations to Rabbi Yossi and Judy on the arrival of their newest grandchild!
You are invited to join Rabbi Yossi Feintuch of Congregation Shalom Bayit for a six-part Continuous Jewish Education series: The Essentials of Jewish Ethics.
The purpose of this series is to explore the vast code of Jewish ethics and how they apply to our day-to-day actions. Jewish tradition teaches that ethical behavior (Derech Eretz) is central to being Jewish, and in fact, that observance (or performance) of religious ritual is meaningless without an underlying ethical code of conduct. How do we treat human and nonhuman beings? How do we exercise fairness, gratefulness, humility, kindness, sacred giving (Tzetzakah) and forgiveness in everyday life? What does it mean to live an ethical existence? To explore these important issues, Rabbi Yossi will draw on several texts including A Code of Jewish Ethics Vols. 1 & 2 by Rabbi Joseph Telushkin and also Rabbi Shmuly Yankelowitz’s book Jewish Ethics & Social Justice: a guide for the 21st Century. Rabbi Yossi has a wealth of experience in this topic, which he taught at the college level. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89873818113?pwd=cE8vR2lNNFFTTG55TU1uamlKU0gyZz09 Meeting ID: 898 7381 8113 Passcode: Ethics
TBT’s Chevruta meets Sundays from 9:00 AM – 10:15 AM via Zoom to a weekly Torah Study through the Lens of Musar Masters. Contact Lauralei Garrity, TBT Program Director, for sign-on information at lauralei.garrity Register for the Reconstructing Judaism 2022 Convention, happening virtually and in-person in the Washington, D.C. metro area on March 23-27, 2022.